Creating The Right New Years Resolution

Every year, just about everyone says that their resolution for the new year is to start eating healthy and hit the gym, but start that regime for a week maybe two and fall out of it. To keep from falling out of your goals for the year you need to be realistic with yourself. Most people can't just change their whole way of life and be able to stick to it. There are tips to making and sticking to those goals.
Make SMART goals. SMART stands for: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based. This acronym will help you create a super straightforward, detailed goal that can help stick.
Just have one. Having one goal will make it easier for you to stick to it in your everyday routine instead of trying to move your schedule around for all these different goals.
Keep track. Looking at the progress you had made will increase the chances of you sticking to the resolution you have created.
Be accountable. Hold yourself to a high standard to encourage you to maintain the progression of your goal. You can even have another person help you be accountable.
Celebrate yourself. When you hit those milestones in your progression, celebrate yourself for how hard you worked to reach and/or progress your goals making it a daily routine.
Having New Years resolutions are always good to have, especially following a rough year or rough past few years. It helps boost your motivation, positivity, courage, and the helps you able to look past the past and towards the future. When making your new years resolution, we at the Chiropractic Office of Dr. Gene Ross would like to encourage you to think about what you could've done and tried to do this past year that would help increase your mental and physical health. Happy Holidays!