Tips for Lower Back Pain
The lower back is a problem area for so many people today. We are constantly bending, lifting, twisting and putting tension on our lower...

Healthy Food Swaps For Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is the time of year for football, family and food. Football and family are two easy things to enjoy but what about all those...

How to Avoid Excess Calories From Alcohol
Counting calories from food is an obvious thing to do when trying to lose weight but what’s not so obvious is tracking calories from...

Surviving the End of Daylight Savings
This weekend, Sunday November 6th at 2 am, Daylight Savings Time will end and we will all travel back in time one hour, meaning you get...
What to do after a car accident
Motor Vehicle Accidents and Chiropractic Care Have you or someone you know ever been in a car accident? One of the most common injuries...