Summer Outdoor Guide

Being outdoors can bring many health benefits. It helps to relieve stress and ease the mind while also giving doses of Vitamin D. It can also be harmful to be outdoors if people aren’t careful, though, making it necessary to follow certain safety protocols at all times. Following this outdoor guide will help individuals stay safe while getting to receive the benefits being outside can bring. Have fun and stay safe with this outdoor guide:
Wear Sunscreen
The sun can harm the body and leave it red and burned if people don’t protect themselves from it. Though some sunlight is good for the body, giving Vitamin D to the skin and nourishing the body, too much can have harmful effects due to the UV rays. Wearing sunscreen is the best option to still get some sun while also protecting oneself. Be sure to look for sunscreens containing the least amount of chemicals such as :
Banana Boat Kids Sunscreen SPF50+
Beyond Coastal Active Sunscreen SPF 30
Aveeno Baby Continuous Protection Lotion Sunscreen, Sensitive Skin, SPF 50
Wear Proper Shoes
Too many people stick to sandals during summertime, wearing them outdoors no matter where they’re headed. Though they may be fine for casual wear, people who have to spend time walking far distances, or who will be climbing up hills or through the wilderness, should truly be wearing something else. The proper shoes will go a long way in keeping the right footing to avoid falls, as well as keep the legs and back pain-free. Here are some flip flop alternatives:
Sport Sandals
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water is necessary for everyone, but especially those who plan on being outside for an extended timeframe. Being out in the heat can cause a lot of sweat, which makes people lose the water they naturally have in their bodies. It’s important to replace this water so the body does not become dehydrated.
Daily recommended amount of water (from drinks) children 4–8 years old: 5 cups, or 40 total oz children 9–13 years old: 7–8 cups, or 56–64 total oz
children 14–18 years old: 8–11 cups, or 64–88 total oz men, 19 years and older: 13 cups, or 104 total oz women, 19 years and older: 9 cups, or 72 total oz pregnant women: 10 cups, or 80 total oz breastfeeding women: 13 cups, or 104 total oz
Stretch It Out
Being outside typically involves strenuous activities. Whether an individual is going for a walk around the neighborhood, playing a game of catch with a friend, or going for a hike, it’s important to stretch out the body so it’s adequately prepared for the task ahead. Most of the muscles and joints get worked out when doing these activities, so stretching will help them become flexible and more usable. Try some of these stretches before and after your outdoor activities:
Hamstring stretch: lay on your back and while keeping you leg straight use a belt to lift your leg towards your head until you feel a stretch in the back of your leg.
Glute stretch: lay on your back, bend your knee and pull it in towards your chest until you feel a stretch in your butt.
Piriformis and Hip Stretch: lay on your back, bend your knee up with you foot on the floor. Cross your opposite ankle over your knee so it makes the shape of a four. Lift your foot that is flat on the floor up until you feel a stretch in your butt and then push on the crossed ankle knee until you feel a stretch in your hip.
Wear Proper Bug Spray
According to the available scientific literature, when you really need protection, your best bets are products made with active ingredients that have been registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. When a company registers a bug repellent, it must provide the EPA with technical information that shows the chemical is effective against mosquitoes, ticks or both. The EPA must approve any marketing claims that assert the repellent works for a particular length of time. Based on testing data, we recommend starting with these three active ingredients for protection from a variety of biting insects and ticks. All three have good safety profiles:
DEET (at less than 30 percent)
IR3535 (at 20 percent)