Top Stretches for Low Back Pain

For pain in the lower back try performing these stretches at home on a regular basis. The following stretches should be done in sets of 2-3 on each leg for a 15-30 second hold per stretch.
Hamstring Stretch
Lay comfortably on your back on a firm surface. Place the foot of the hamstring you’d like to stretch in the middle of a belt or rolled towel. Holding at the end of a belt or rolled towel on each hand, pull your leg up until you feel a stretch.
Groin Stretch
Lay comfortably on your back on a firm surface and bring your legs to a “butterfly” position (bring both feet together so that your feet are touching and knees are bent). Press down on legs to feel a stronger stretch if you prefer
Glute Stretch
Lay comfortably on your back on a firm surface. Bring your knees to your chest and hold them there with your hands. Alternatively, if you are not feeling the stretch you can try a different one: while lying down, place your feet on the table and bend your knees. Start by grabbing one leg (we’ll start with left here) and rest it on the opposite (right) bent knee, so that one leg is perpendicular to the other. From here, pull the left leg closer to the left side of your body for an even stronger stretch.
Hip Flexor Stretch
Lay comfortably on a firm surface and move over to one side. Let one leg hang off the side of the table and press down on that same leg until you feel a stretch.
Lower Back Stretches
Lay comfortably on a firm surface and with knees bent slide your heels towards your butt. Let both knees fall to one side of your body and hold the stretch. Switch sides. If you are not feeling the stretch, try bringing your knees closer to your body